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What do you believe God's inspired? Spirit scriptures or false religious doctrine? Doctrinal teaching has blurred the issues and the messages leaving a searcher rather up in the air.


When asking a priest preacher and the light a question about the scripture subject semicolon the person asking the question will invariably be given an answer that skirts the question rather than answering yet and many times the answer seems to contain a mistreat more elusive than the original question may have been that is if you get an answer at all have you ever been told that when you die you go directly to heaven or hell? Or that one you will go you go to an in-between Place fully aware and awaiting a decision to send you to one place or the other. These are not scriptural messages does! Does the word cherub conjure up the image of a cute chubby little wings toddler shooting arrows into the image of a cute of the heart of a potential partner initiating a deep and Abiding Love? Of course you have! You paragraph while the heaven and Hades or Hell elements are scriptural, the invention of the altered cherubs came from who-knows-where? The whole idea of their context however are in error debasing a Heavenly resident or manufacturing a heaven or hell improperly is diametrically against scripture! Whew, among our seven billion humans, seem to believe or to be concerned about the quality of these eras we humans for a millennia have grown Nom to scriptural directives, being taught that we can play fast and loose with the scriptural things. False Christianity has proven responsible for altogether too many of these inventions!


Scripture speaks of both Heaven and Hell but not in the context the two terms have been given.


1 Heaven being the place all good people go to right when they die.


To hell and underworld place where the bad people go to the go to right when they die. 1 Heaven is a paradise into hell is a fiery heart for the balance of Eternity. In both play the dead are fully aware. You paragraph you die and go to heaven being the residents of God and all good Angels, where your next-door neighbors are perfectly wonderful just like you are and the joyful place to reside. Low-rent beautiful views gorgeous home. He'll on the other hand being the residence of Lucifer which is an invented name and all the bad angels are residing here high rent low income open sores and everybody else a worst personality than you are!


Do you really think, that these Concepts can stand up to a careful scrutiny? No. Both Concepts art invented and totally unscriptural!


Two cherubs for instance was stationed at the entry of Eden, brandishing a fiery sword to keep the adamic family from reentering eating, from which they were expelled. Nothing cute and loving this inducing about these two. The carved representations and gold covered figures of Cherub were mounted Atop The Ark of the Covenant and still guarding it. Not a couple of cuties brandishing arrows of love. You paragraph the Heaven and Hell described in scripture are the above of Jehovah and Christ and the myriads of myriad's and thousands of thousands semicolon the writer John spoke off as part of the Revolution Revelation he wrote about. He'll Hades and sheol, written about elsewhere scripture hevonen hell and Hades meaning the common grave of mankind, a pit, a hole in the ground. Not a place of Torment as portrayed. Shio a Hebrew term meaning the same or a covering over in the death of the Earth. None of the terms indicating anything differently.


The torment thing coming in to play because of the religion of Catholicism adopting it into their Doctrine after the idea was written about by Dante in his Divine Comedy. It was a great tool to be used on an illiterate Society unable to oppose its application. but not in the context the two terms have been given.


One heaven being the place all the people go to write when they die.


To hell and underworld place where the bad people go to the to go to write when they die. One heaven is the paradise in to hell is a fiery heart for the balance of eternity. And both play places to dead are fully aware.


You die and go to heaven being the residents of God and all good Angels, where your next door neighbor's are perfectly wonderful just like you are and the joyful place to reside. Lo rent beautiful views gorgeous home. He'll on the other hand being the rabbit residents of Lucifer which is and invented name and all the bad angels are resigning hear hi ranch low-income open sewers and everybody else a worst personality than you are!


Do you really think, that these times if can stand up to a careful screwed me? No. Both concepts art invented and totally unscrew cool!


To Charles for instance was stationed at the entry of Eden, Brandon a fire sword to keep the identity family from Rihanna evening, from which day works failed. Nothing cute and loving this and you sing about these two. The card representation and gold covered figures of Cheryl's were mounted a top of the Ark of the Covenant is the garden it. Not a couple of cutie Brenda Shing errors of love.


The heaven and hell described in Scripture are the above of Jehovah in Christ in the areas of Marion's and thousands of thousands semicolon the writer John spoke off as part of the revolution revelation he wrote about. He'll Hades and show, written about elsewhere and scripture heaven in it hell and Hades meaning becoming grave of men time, at it, but hole in the ground. Not a place of torment as for trade. Do a Hebrew term meaning the same or a covering over in the death of the earth. None of the term indicating anything differently.


The torment thing coming into play because of the religion of the salsa some adopting it into their doctor after the idea was written about my Dante and his Divine Comedy. It was a great too to be used on that new literate society unable to opposed it's application. Sarah and ignorant cause a controlling miss use of scripture adopted by the Protestant religions after the Reformation and equally as long


Also Milton's Paradise Lost both of these Riders candidly admitted that their writings were fiction. They were administered as scriptural truth and Doctrine! Look it up it's exposed in every psych the cyclopedia.


The Protestants under any name who continue to perpetrate the error simply kept what I thought you liked and threw out what they didn't like! You paragraph there is such a thing as true Christianity and scripture says it is based on knowledge, and accurate knowledge or the sense of it such as at Timothy 2 Timothy 3 colon 1 through 7 or Matthew 13 colon 15 through 17. The King James version defines the sense of it as an understanding with their heart. The terms above alluded too many times in the New Testament in the Christian Greek scriptures great being the language the New Testament was written in and the accurate knowledge as knowledge of the truth in the King James version.


Another term woven into their fault false contacts is the place called gehenna, a destination for the bad guys. A place where the fire never goes out and the worm Never Dies where a person could become a candidate. Gehenna added Credence to The Faults context being taught regarding heaven and Hades.


If she'll Hades and hell were falsely talk to be a fiery Eternal Agony levied upon the center and only meant the grave what and how does gehenna intimated the same agonizing circumstance?. New paragraph it's all an application of a metaphoric twist. 10 mm as yet another term used in the deception henna is the valley outside Jerusalem used as the city solid waste dump. Fires were kept burning in this dump also executed criminals not deem worthy of burial we're disposed in its waste dump. Hannum and gehenna where the same place. You paragraph with only a little thought a person can easily unravel this metaphor false Christianity it's teachers that is could and did pull the wool over the eyes of their listeners mostly illiterate for centuries people bought be kind by the time a substantial number of people could read, the Khan had taken on it to a life of its own and was not investigated which would have exposed the deception but it seems that the majority or really really intelligent people prefer the sound of deception 2nd Timothy 4 colon 3 4 Maersk 3/4 there will be a time when they will not put up with the helpful teaching, but it in coordinates with their own desires they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled semicolon versus for and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to fault stories you paragraph the scripture sided are about false Christianity not some other obscure Mindbender under another name false Christianity so what do you believe scripture or the kind.

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